After checking into our hotel in Dumaguete, we visited Our Lady's Garden, a beautifully landscaped paradise set on top of a hill. Several bamboo structures which were built by Buglas Bamboo added to its serene ambiance.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Bamboo Immersion Trip - Day 1
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2:18 AM
Bamboo Immersion Trip - Day 1
After experiencing the chaos of Manila's regional airport we were more than ready take off for a new island and city approximately one hour south of Manila. Dumaguete (a port city of approximately 100,000) is located in the province of Oriental Negros in the central Visayan region of the PI and is nicknamed "The City of Gentle People". We experienced some of the worst turbulence ever prior to landing but once we arrived in Dumaguete our excitement was back up again. We were greeted by our gracious host, Frans Kleine Koerkamp, member of the Philippine Bamboo Foundation Board of Trustees and chairman of the board of Buglas Bamboo Institute, Inc. Driving to our hotel we instantly had great vibes about the city, especially as it is less polluted than most places we've experienced thus far, and everyone seemed to be smiling!
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2:00 AM
Bamboo Immersion Trip - Day 1
This morning we visited the Cottage Industry Technology Center (CITC) in Marikina City where we attended a bamboo-filled presentation. We then visited CITC's showroom and toured their well-equipped workshop.
1.) creates a critical mass of producers, production site in strategic locations where materials are abundant and skilled workers are available, 2.) creates employment at the grassroots level for additional income to the farmers, 3.) support the demand of bamboo products locally and when it is exported as they are equipped with the appropriate tools and equipment, 4.) develop and upgrade the skills of craftsmen in the area in order to increase productivity through technology transfer, 5.) link the producers with the local exporters so that they may act as the bridge between the maker and the bamboo processing bases, 6.) provide programs and services for learning how to make footwear and leather goods, fine & costume jewelry, gift wares & holiday decor, and furniture & builders woodwork made out of both bamboo and metal.
After visiting CITC we made a quick stop on our way to the airport to Budji Living, a furniture showroom featuring many pieces from our current favorite Filipino furniture designer, Kenneth Cobonpue, who is also a significant player in the design collective Movement 8.
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1:20 AM