Monday, November 12, 2007

III International Junior Delphic Games

Baguio - Events, originally uploaded by jsigharas.

Alex and I were invited to become fashion models for an evening, along with 28 other models, for an entertainment showcase at the 2007 Junior Delphic Games held in Baguio City. All of the clothes modeled were from Narda's fashion collection, and were designed to display the beauty and style of natural, eco-fashion in both casual and formal wear.

These photos of us were taken backstage as we waited for an earlier dance group to finish. Above, I'm dressed in Narda's abaca casual hoodie and simple cotton, drawstring shorts. Abaca is a a species of banana, and is harvested for its fiber (also known as Manila hemp) extracted from its large, oblong leaves and stems. On average, the plant grows to about 20 feet (6 meters) tall. Below, Alex is dressed in Narda's ikat casual top, a handkerchief from Mindanao and simple, drawstring cotton pants. Ikat is a style of weaving that uses a resist-dyeing process similar to tie-dye on either the warp or weft before the threads are woven to create a pattern or design.


melanie camman said...

you boys both make great models!!

Anonymous said...

Sweet! Looks like there could be a change in careers : )