Friday, October 12, 2007

Argao - Skimboarding Capital of the Philippines

We took a day off from our intense, non-stop traveling to relax and hit the beach for some sun and swimming in Argao, a small town an hour south of Cebu. Turned out that Argao was absolutely dead (which was good and bad). Fortunately, we met these local skimboarders of Mahayhay Beach, a well-known spot for skimboarding, and took our turns skimming the beach shores (or in my case, attempting to learn in not the easiest of conditions). I figured if I could learn here I could it pick it up elsewhere easily. Anyway, these young guns were busting out moves effortlessly, making it an entertaining afternoon in the sun and splash. I guess that's the product of having miles of beautiful beaches and nothing else to do.

1 comment:

melanie camman said...

I am definitely down for some fun in the sun....