Thursday, November 15, 2007

Masking Eco-Friendlies

, originally uploaded by suvajack.

Our bamboo tour of the Philippines uncovered massive amounts of exceptional sustainable designs except most had one fatal flaw - caked on toxic coatings. If there was one key message we always tried to suggest it was that you don’t need that much coating on and you should try to use a non-toxic finish. It turns out eco-friendly finishes aren’t easy to come by here and it is unfortunately the one thing that stops these incredible designs from being some of the worlds best eco options. In case you haven’t heard there is a new trend in the world that is here to stay and that is the mainstream arrival of environmentally intelligent products. These products created from regenerative sources are beautiful in design, functional in application, and responsible in environmental impact. The Philippines is privileged to have an abundance of rapidly renewable raw material and skilled workers how know how to work wonders with it. Though this sector is under developed it has the potential to be a booming and regenerative agricultural industry. What is missing to push this industry into the competitive market and towards a completely environmentally friendly final product is the use of non-toxic adhesives and finishes. Toxic glues and finishing coats on products damage the environment, people who worked with them and the end user that lives with it. You may be unaware that much of the products that we furnish our homes and offices with are in fact poisoning our air. Thankfully industries are changing the way they make products. Largely in part to the surge in consumer acceptance of organic goods as well as concepts like cradle to cradle and design for disassembly; The world is experiencing a big wave of eco-conscious consumers that are making the conscious choice to search out product that are not harmful to air quality.

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