Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Manila F.A.M.E. International

Manila - Show, originally uploaded by jsigharas.

Launched in 1983, Manila F.A.M.E. International is the longest-running trade show of its kind in Asia-Pacific. It attracts thousands of buyers from all over the world interested in giftware and home furnishings in organic and natural materials designed for today's lifestyle. The show is recognized as the main source of contemporary Philippine-made products with a distinct global appeal.

We extended our stay in Manila a few days just to attend, and were fortunate to have attended on industry day as "buyers" with the help of our bamboo trip contacts, Mely and Carina. In the featured designer section, we encountered an impressive collection of work by some of Manila's up-and-coming designers working with indigenous materials such as, abaca, vines, grasses, and natural-fibers, to create light fixtures and furniture. Sadly enough, pictures were not allowed in the five massive showroom halls. As you enter the lobby of Manila's World Trade Center you first encounter a women dressed in traditional Cordillera wear looming back-strap style, surrounded by examples of ethnic Filipino textiles/motifs. This first impression represents only a slice of the wealth and diversity of traditional Filipino craft.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

In the picture, is she demonstrating her craft? I'm not sure if you know, but what is she making? Its pretty crazy how some of those beautiful pieces come from simple tools.